Migraine Symptoms and Prevention. The main symptom of a migraine is usually a severe headache on one side of the head. The pain is usually a moderate or severe throbbing sensation that worsens with movement and interferes with normal activities. In some cases, the pain may appear on both sides of the head and affect the face and neck. Not all people with migraine have these additional symptoms and some do not have a headache.
Migraine symptoms usually last from 4 hours to 3 days, but he can feel very tired for up to a week afterward. One of the best ways to prevent migraines is to recognize your triggers and avoid them. You may find that you are more prone to migraines after eating certain foods or when you are stressed.
You can prevent migraines by avoiding this trigger. Some prevent migraines. These are usually used when you are trying to avoid a possible trigger but have a migraine. It is more commonly used for migraines. These medications may also be prescribed if you have severe migraine attacks or frequent attacks.
Migraine headaches are chronic. They can’t be cured, but they can be managed and possibly improved. Two main treatment approaches use medications: abortive and preventive. Preventive (prophylactic) medications may be prescribed when your headaches are severe, occur more than four times a month, and are significantly interfering with your normal activities. Preventive medications reduce the frequency and severity of headaches. These are generally taken on a regular, daily basis to help prevent migraines.