The teenager Biruk Mulugeta’s Journey on Balageru idol. A panel discussion was held at the event to discuss the importance and power of storytelling for change. The significance was emphasized even more as it was the first time the festival was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, a country of origin with countless untold stories. Participating in film festivals is a must for any aspiring filmmaker. Acceptance into a film festival is a significant accomplishment and provides filmmakers with the opportunity to screen alongside their national and international peers, often students and graduates just starting in their film careers, as well as more established filmmakers.
This festival may have been the first of its kind, but the untapped potential of youth to express themselves through the film is bound to bring more events like it to the forefront. Storytellers like Kirubel have so much to show, so much to illuminate, whether on a local or global scale. “It’s inspiring to think that I can self-express through a series of captured moments with the same device I call and text with. More competitions like this should be held; I would love to participate someday,” Tiyobista said, optimistic about the future. With advanced technology such as smartphone cameras and editing software becoming more widely available, filmmakers can bypass traditional gatekeepers of production while still producing high-quality films. merit
Biruk Mulugeta’s Journey on Balageru idol
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