A wonderful story of a mother finding her son. It is like coming back from death, Today I am Alazar.
Some background my parents are immigrants from South Korea. They came here with nothing but the clothes on their backs and raised my brothers and me in the best way possible with what little they had, including time. Run and couldn’t get enough time for us.
It’s all in the past, and I appreciate what they did before, but now they offer so much more. My mother allowed me to marry a Korean man despite her reservations. I was born and raised in America and am American in every way but married to a Korean. All the while, my mother was by my side, helping us in our struggle to survive as a couple and as parents in America. When we came to America, her husband didn’t speak English.
We only had one car with him, but his parents gave him one as a spare. I didn’t know how to cook Korean food, so when my mother came home from work, I struggled at the stove to feed him traditional Korean food every night. When my parents gave us a loan to buy a house, they gave us one of their cars to take to our new home. When I had my second child and went back to work, my mom took care of my kids and closed my business so I could work full-time.
To this day, she takes care of my children and drives her daughter to and from school. We bought a bigger house, and my parents still support this effort with their homeowner tips and tricks. My mother knows my boundless love for my family, and although we no longer live with her mother, she still brings food home so that her husband doesn’t miss Korea.